The Most Entertaining Movies (not in order):
1. Twilight 'Eclipse'.... lol, just kidding, that movie sucks major donkey balls. It's Toy Story 3.
Okay, just because the title always reminds you of the old Toy Story--a children movie--that doesn't mean that this one is for children too. I can guarantee you that this one is also suitable for an adult. You can apply this movie to your own life, I meant, we all used to have our favorite toys (even if your parents are so cheap, and the only toy that you ever had was a tiny rock that you found lying on the street near public restroom and it smelled funny too) and a phase where you grew up and finally left all the childhood toys behind. Have you ever thought about what would your toys felt when you left them? I didn't, but this movie made me thought about it.
2. Kick Ass
See my lame review about the movie, here.
3. Scott Pilgrim vs the World
"We are sex Bob-Omb and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!" Apart from the kick ass soundtrack and the quotable lines in the movies, this underrated piece of germs is shitload of geeky and pop culture fun!
The Best Endings (not in order):
1. Splice
It started just an okay, in the end this movie will probably gross you out or maybe even fuck your mind up. I did enjoy watching this because my mind got its own shield protection and can not be fucked up easily, I was born that way and I never complain. lol. I'm not a major fan of sci fi movies, but this one's pretty under underrated. To simplified everything, just imagine that you are watching a darker and more serious version of Species with less sex scene and shocking ending.
2. Ghost Writer
Okay, I gotta admit, I almost fell asleep while watching the movie but the ending left me saying, 'holy shit, dude...'. Even though the movie's pretty good, I still can not forgive Roman Polanski for being such an asshole pedo.
3. Remember Me
It was surprisingly a good drama. All actors even the footface, Robert Pattinson were doing a great job in building the intensity of the movie. I was surprised that I did enjoy the movie, esp. the ending. Lots of people bitch about the ending, I am one of those little group of human race that actually love the ending.
The Biggest Fails (not in order):
1. Last Airbender
M. Night Shyamalamaladingdong really fucked up the decent material that he got. I'm not a fan of Aang but I do watch it sometimes and it's really not bad and I can see why lots of people like it. When I heard that they were gonna make this into a movie with real person and shit, I was "okay, that sounds fun". But then BAM! Fucking hell, from the very first 10 mins I knew that this movie was gonna be a painful experience. Fuck you once again, M Night Shyamalamaladingdong! First you stole 2 hours of my life when I watched the Happening now you stole another hour of my life.
2. The Expendables
Shit, Sly... You got yourself a dream cast for all action movies, but why did you fuck the movie up!? Fuck. The movie would have been better had they given it to be directed by a better director. What a shame.
3. Clash of the Titans
This movie is no Jason and the Argonauts. Everything just seems so dull even the lead cast, Sam Worthington. The guy was the lead cast in the highest grossing movie of all time and also the most overrated movie last year, he also took part in the new Terminator movie but still lots of people don't even know his existence. At first the movie looked very nice, you know with all the cool poster and trailer but then I tried to watch it and found nothing interest me. That's sad because I'm a huge fan of movie based on ancient Greek legend.
The Best Performances (not in order):
1. Chloe Moretz as Hit-Girl (Kick Ass)
She's that little girl in the movie Big Momma's House and also Tom Hansen's wise sister from movie 500 Days of Summer but not many people notice that, and then she starred in Kick Ass as Hit-Girl, BAM! Everybody turned their head and said, "Holy shit, that girl is awesome!". (Source: Personal experience). I do believe she's gonna be something in the future, let's just hope fame and fortune in Hollywood won't fuck her up like they did to Britney Spears, Lindsay lohan, etc etc etc.
2. Emma Stone as Olive (Easy A)
The first time Emma Stone got to be the lead cast and she did it awesomely. It's like a one man (or more like girl?) show for her. She's got the perfect comedic timing and carried the movie herself. They also got another funny lady here, Lisa Kudrow, but Emma got all the attention and she really deserves it. She's the next big thing, you just wait.
3. Tahar Rahim as Malik El Djebena (Un prophète)

Like Emma Stone, this is his first role as lead actor in a big screen and the guy did it awesomely too. Some even said that he's the next Al Pacino, that is awesome, I mean how many actor got that kind of compliment in their first role as lead actor. Another rising star in European Cinema.
Well, that's it for now. My brain has stopped working again, like usual. I'm trying to make the same list about music but since music is way too wide to cover, I'm still considering whether to do it or not. Happy fucking New Year, btw.
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