That's right, today's halloween. It's the perfect time to dress like a retard and nobody will laugh at you. But this year's Halloween is more stupid than previous Halloween, because this year Lady (or Sir?) Gaga and that muff cabbage, Snooki became the top Halloween costume. I can understand if Lady (or Sir?) Gaga became the top costume choice, you know with all the crazy dress (meat dress = PETA can kiss Gaga's ass). she (or he?) smokes too many fashion crack and by the time she got 35, she's prolly gonna get OD (no more Pokerface?)... but with this muff cabbage, Snooki? what the shit? why?? she looks like she just got raped by bucket of orange. And she's basically famous for being repulsive and useless. Or let's just forget about this stupid matter and see these funny Halloween costume cause it's more entertaining.

This baby's got hardcore parents

Fucking WIN

Hands down to Heidi Klum.
YOoooo its very bad we dont have halooween in here T.T
well you can always celebrate halloween with your own way... like buying me a new laptop. thank you.
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