v. To take elements of two or more pre-existing pieces of music and combine them to make a new song. n. A song comprised of elements of two or more pre-existing pieces of music.
2. I'm in the middle of mashing-up songs by Tom Jones and Michael Jackson. (verb usage)
1. I'll play my mash-up of Tom Jones and Michael Jackson at the club tomorrow night. (noun usage)
Sick here got two meaning, one is positive and the other is you know what it is and I'm just too lazy to type the word but instead I'm typing longer words now (teh fuck, right?). Anyway, the positive meaning means that the mash up is a great successful mash up. Here is an example of a great successful mash up:
click this word below this sentence to download the mp3
words below the above sentence (lol.. wut?)
and this is not so successful mash up

huh? where's the mash up? The answer is that I'm way too lazy to find one cause they're suck and I don't like spending time looking for bad mash up on the net. So instead I posted Musically oblivious 8th grader, cause it's much more fun than listening to lame mash up, amirite? yes.
You can also check out this site www.mashupciti.com, it's a pretty good site, but not as good as my blog (OMG, I just made one of the biggest lie ever spoken by a human being).
so, to end the post, I'm just gonna write a period cause you can't end a sentence without a period.
PS. check out DJ Earworm's other videos in youtube.
PPS. Musically blah blah blah grader is pretty funny but not as funny as Advice Dog.
PPS. It's 2 am in the morning and I'm hungry.