Thursday, December 6, 2012

Santa Claus Is (Not) Coming to The Town

Cause he's not real and nobody's coming to the town, not even the ghost of your ancestor. But hey, it's almost Christmas again, can you believe that? Are you excited OR ARE YOU FUCKING EXCITED THAT YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN COUPLE WEEKS CAUSE THE WORLD IS GONNA FUCKING END LIKE WHAT THE FUCKING MAYANS PREDICTED HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO.

Talking about the end of the world, my Mom just called me last week asking me if it's true that the world will end before Christmas. She sounded so worry and kept telling me to be careful. I laughed at her. She asked me why I laughed, at that time there were so many explanation that I have in my mind but I'm pretty sure it's gonna take shit load of time (My Mom is very clueless about what's going on in this world, she seems like she can never keep up with the modern world, she can't even text. Last time she tried to do it, she sent me 5 empty messages) and I was about to fry my egg and the pan was getting very hot, so I just told my Mom, 'No Mom, it will not end. Haha. Bye'.

I personally don't believe in any of the 'end of the world' prediction. The Mayan don't know shit, they didn't even have toilet paper back then, I don't trust people who don't use toilet paper. But I always think it's going to be fun if the world does end this year. You don't have to get up every morning to go to work, if you don't go to work, you don't get to meet your asshole boss or cunty manager or any of your annoying coworkers. You don't have to worry about your future anymore because there will be no future for you nor for everybody. You don't have to listen to Gangnam piece of dildo shit style again. You don't have to worry if Sir Alex is gonna retire and leave Manchester United. You don't have to worry about that acne on your face.  You don't have to worry about bad hair day. In short, you don't even have to worry about nothing at all anymore.

But it's only IF the world ends this year, the truth is, it will not. The earth will soon end, I'm sure, but it won't be this year. So you're (and by you, I mean me) have to put up with all the shitty things that happen in this life and in our world generally. To lift up your (I mean mine) spirit, there are still good things that will happen: Manchester United lift their 20th EPL trophy, Leonardo diCaprio (finally) winning his Oscar, Kim Kardashian getting butt raped by a dolphin in the middle of the street, Fleet Foxes' new album, the long awaiting revelation of who was the asshole who raped Natalie Wood, Nikola Tesla's museum, Zombie outbreak, etc etc etc.

And with that I leave you with...