Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Died

I once ate an apple this big, it tasted different and then I realize it was melon. 

I bet you're gonna be like... "aw shit, not about Steve Jobs again. I'm so tired of people praising him and shit." Well, we're sharing a mutual feeling about it that's why I made this post. I'm also tired reading and listening about the news. This is the problem with human and technology. First of all, we as human (unless you're a cat because we know on the internet no one knows you are cat) have this thing called feeling , we are easily affected with other people's feeling. Most of people after they heard about people mourning about the death of Steve, felt the need to do the same thing (even though I doubt that they really know him).

Remember the death of Michael Jackson? yeah, it's probably a bigger news than Steve's (poor Steve), people everywhere were like "I'm tearing apart, my life is ruined, I can't believe this news, my favorite self-crotch grabber is now dead". And the funny thing is that before he died, his career was basically over but look what happened after the media kept whoring out the news about his death? You know it. His career was 'healed' instantly.

Different thing with Steve Jobs, he didn't have anybody suing him for touching their kids (sexually) nor having a fake nose. He wasn't a perfect human being, some brand him as capitalistic cunt and he did abandon his daughter for a while and didn't want to support her. He was just the CEO of Apple. I have one Apple product and it's called iWorm, okay forget the bad joke, I have iPod and I love it. Now same thing happened with Steve's death, people were mourning about how human race have lost a genius, an innovator and a God. No doubt that the man was a great human being, he helped us swoon over overpriced and flashy stuff. But as a genius? there are thousand, if not millions of geniuses out there that have helped us doing whatever we are doing right now. Then why is he being praised so much? there's this thing called advertising and Apple's pretty good at it. First of all, in the world of acting, Microsoft was Tilda Swinton, and Apple was Zooey Deschanel. Tilda Swinton = great actress but boring looking (or maybe scary?). Zooey Deschanel = Not much of an actress (Before you disagree: Fuck you I love 500 Days of Summer too but that movie was not about the acting tbqh imo) but easy on the eyes. So there you go, if you are this one funky human being with amazing personality and fat wallet that loves to bring your gadget everywhere, which one will you choose? Tilda Swinton? Pfffftttt. Even my fish (not really my fish but I'd like to think that it's my fish) would choose Zooey Deschanel and that fish is retarded as fuck (then again, I'm glad it's not my fish). (I'm only talking about Microsoft because basically whenever you heard about Apple, someone will come up and start a discussion about why Microsoft is better and then some touchy hipster will fight back and say about how Apple is better and then before you realize, there were blood everywhere).

Now after Apple is considered as a 'cool' brand, people will start praising Steve as the coolest man because he's (WAS) the head of Apple. So when he died, there were blood everywhere. (GODDAMNIT, WHY DO I KEEP INSERTING STUPID JOKES?). Steve did revolutionize the computer BUT he did not revolutionize how we listen to the music, cellphone or tablet computer, he just made them easier and better looking. Steve Jobs was a great innovator but he was not a God.