For those who don't know what is, I don't blame you, it's a closed site where you can't just go check it out, you need an invitation first so you can make an account there. How did I get my invitation? I had to pay it for 80 bucks.. pffft. NO. I visited everyday like a loser, clicking the asking for invitation button 20 times a day, and I finally got one 2 days ago. is like a bastard son of 4chan and reddit. You must be thinking '4chan? ah fuck no, those people are gross'. No need to worry, it's a SFW site, so there'll be no obvious goatse or porn pics. So basically, it's a place where one post a pic and you can remix/edit the pic. Sounds boring? fuck you. It's fun, esp. if you have good sense of humor and you can use Photoshop or Paint.
This is the layout of, pretty neat compared to 4chan, right?

See the '2 invites' at the upper right corner? I wasn't lying when I said I have them.
The example of the fun:
negatendo posted this pic
procrastes remixed it into this:
anonymous posted this
Pretty fun, eh? Now, if you want an invite, just give me your email, I'll send it right away. You know you want it. You can inbox me on my facebook.
UPDATE: I got 9 more invites to give to you all. Bless Raptor Jesus.