Best Horror of the Week:
Village of the Damned
Village of the Damned
This movie is a pure classic horror. It started with the view of the normal life in the country and suddenly everybody fainted and the horror began. Every women who was capable of giving birth were pregnant. The kids were all blond and smarter than kids at their age. These kids are the heart of the movie, they make every scene they're in great. FYI, they made a remake of this movie in 1995, I actually watched the remake first when I was a little girl I can't really remember it but as far as I concern it's not that bad.
The Worst Horror of the Week:
Wizard of Gore
Wizard of Gore
Some might call this classic, I call it stupid. It's corny as hell, even for that day's standard this is so fucking corny. I just can't stand all the stupid gore, I was not disgusted but I was just annoyed with the stupidity of the movie. The acting is worst than all those Cannibal movies that I've watched. God damn it!